

To integrate Buildcat with Redshift, we provide a pair of integrations that can return information about a worker’s local Redshift installation, and render an image from a Redshift .rs file.


To use the Redshift integrations, each worker must be able to run the redshiftCmdLine executable provided by Redshift. Typically, this means that you will have to install Redshift on the worker host, locate the redshiftCmdLine (or redshiftCmdLine.exe on Windows) executable, and add that location to the PATH environment variable before starting the worker. See the Redshift Documentation for details on where the redshiftCmdLine executable is located on specific platforms.


To query for information about a worker’s Redshift installation from the command line, use the buildcat command:

$ buildcat redshift-info
{'os': {'host': 'tim-aurora',
        'machine': 'x86_64',
        'processor': 'x86_64',
        'release': '4.4.0-19041-Microsoft',
        'system': 'Linux',
        'version': '#488-Microsoft Mon Sep 01 13:43:00 PST 2020'},
 'python': {'prefix': '/home/tshead/miniconda3',
            'version': '3.8.5 (default, Sep  4 2020, 07:30:14) \n[GCC 7.3.0]'},
 'redshift': {'executable': 'redshiftCmdLine.exe',
              'version': b'Redshift Command-Line Renderer (version 3.0.45 - API'
                         b': 3027) Copyright 2021 Redshift Rendering Technologi'
                         b'es '},
 'worker': {'pid': 302,
            'root': '/home/tshead',
            'user': 'tshead',
            'version': '0.4.0-dev'}}

Note that redshift-info will block until the results are received, and that the results could vary depending on which worker handled the request.

To submit a Redshift scene for rendering save the scene file and all of the scene assets to BUILDCAT_ROOT, and ensure that all scene assets can be accessed with relative paths.

Then you can use the buildcat command to render an image:

$ buildcat redshift-render path/to/scene.rs

Note that the path to the scene file must be relative to BUILDCAT_ROOT … so if your BUILDCAT_ROOT is on a network disk //Aurora/Farm and your scene is stored as //Aurora/Farm/ProjectFoo/Scene24/Take13.rs, your buildcat command line would be:

$ buildcat redshift-render ProjectFoo/Scene24/Take13.rs

After starting the render, keep an eye on the contents of BUILDCAT ROOT, and you should see the rendered frame appear.