

Buildcat is based on RQ, which already has a variety of builtin and third party monitoring tools. You can read about them in detail at http://python-rq.org/docs/monitoring, but in brief, you can see a quick overview of your farm from the command line with:

$ rq info

… which will print information about your current queues, jobs, and workers. To see continuously-updating information, specify a poll interval in seconds:

$ rq info --interval 5

For a more sophisticated, web-based interface to your farm, try RQ dashboard, which provides continuously-updated information, plus the ability to delete and reschedule jobs.

Finally, the buildcat tool provides a command to estimate how long it might take for a collection of jobs to finish:

$ buildcat eta

… the eta command will monitor the number of jobs submitted to your server over time; as long as the number of jobs is decreasing, it will estimate when the number of jobs will become zero.