


To install the latest stable version of Buildcat and its dependencies, use pip:

$ pip install buildcat

… once it completes, you’ll be able to use all of Buildcat’s core features.


To run a buildcat server, you’ll also need Redis which can’t be installed via pip. If you use Conda (which we strongly recommend), you can install it as follows:

$ conda install redis

Once you have Redis, you can install Buildcat and the rest of its dependencies:

$ pip install buildcat


We assume that you’ll normally access this documentation online, but if you want a local copy on your own computer, do the following:

Install Buildcat along with all of the dependencies needed to build the docs:

$ pip install buildcat[doc]

Next, do the following to download a tarball to the current directory containing all of the Buildcat source code, which includes this documentation:

$ pip download buildcat --no-binary=:all: --no-deps

Now, you can extract the tarball contents and build the documentation (adjust the following for the version you downloaded):

$ tar xzvf buildcat-0.6.1.tar.gz
$ cd buildcat-0.6.1/docs
$ make html