Source code for buildcat.hou

# Copyright 2018 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Integration with SideFX Houdini,

import json
import os
import time

import rq

import buildcat

def _hython_executable():
    return buildcat.executable("hython")

def _mantra_executable():
    return buildcat.executable("mantra")

[docs]def info(): """Return information describing the worker's local Houdini installation. Environment Variables --------------------- PATH: required Your PATH environment variable *must* be configured so that the worker can run the `hython` executable. Returns ------- metadata: :class:`dict` A collection of key-value pairs containing a description of the Houdini installation on the machine where the job was run. """ code = """from __future__ import print_function; print("buildcat-houdini-version:", hou.applicationVersionString())""" command = [_hython_executable(), "-c", code] version = "" for line in buildcat.check_output(command).decode("UTF8").splitlines(): if line.startswith("buildcat-houdini-version: "): version = line.split(sep=" ", maxsplit=1)[1] result = result.update({ "houdini": { "executable": _hython_executable(), "version": version, }, }) return result
[docs]def render_ifd(ifdfile): """Render a Houdini .ifd file. Environment Variables --------------------- PATH: required Your PATH environment variable *must* be configured so that the worker can run the `mantra` executable. Parameters ---------- ifdfile: :class:`str`, required Path to the file to be rendered. """ ifdfile = str(ifdfile) command = [_mantra_executable(), "-f", ifdfile] buildcat.check_call(command)
[docs]def render_hip(hipfile, rop, frames): """Render a range of frames from a Houdini .hip file. Environment Variables --------------------- PATH: required Your PATH environment variable *must* be configured so that the worker can run the `hython` executable. Parameters ---------- hipfile: :class:`str`, required Path to the file to be rendered. rop: :class:`str`, required Absolute path of the ROP node to use for rendering. frames: sequence of :class:`tuple` of three integers, required Contains one-to-many half-open (start, stop, step) ranges of frames to be rendered. """ hipfile = str(hipfile) rop = str(rop) frames = [(int(start), int(stop), int(step)) for start, stop, step in frames] code = f""" import hou hou.hipFile.load({hipfile!r}, suppress_save_prompt=True, ignore_load_warnings=True) ropnode = hou.node({rop!r}) if ropnode is None: raise ValueError("Missing ROP: {rop}") for start, stop, step in {frames}: ropnode.render(frame_range=(start,stop-1,step), verbose=False, output_progress=False) """ command = [_hython_executable(), "-c", code] buildcat.check_call(command)